A Word of Acknowledgement

One of my favorite scriptures reminds me daily how I am to walk in my relationship with the Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6.
~Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

I have to feed myself this verse daily…reminding me to trust in the Lord and not in myself. A tough lesson for someone like me…head strong, determined to do things on my own without the help of others. If I don’t feed my soul with this lesson during regularly scheduled meal times…I struggle with my default nature to make it on my own, to be in control and control everything around me. But when I meditate on this word, the phrase “acknowledge Him” gives me a great visual to keep me looking in the right direction.

We all know what it means to acknowledge someone in a crowd. Sometimes it is with a simple nod of acknowledgement from across the room, catching the eye ever so briefly as you go along. Sometimes it’s a verbal acknowledgment of a special guest in the audience during a speech. Either way…it’s a simple gesture recognizing the importance of the relationship of that person and yourself.

That’s what He asks of us…to recognize the importance of the relationship between Him and us. In all our ways…acknowledge Him and He will direct our path. Just learn to give Him a quick nod, catching His eye for approval before a decision is made. Or learn to stop and cry out to Him in the midst of a heated moment before words are shared that are not of His leading.

Acknowledge Him by telling others what He has meant to you, sharing the way for others to see.

When things don’t make sense, when you don’t understand why…trust Him. Trust Him with ALL your heart. Remember the devotional earlier where I shared that I took things to the Lord, but really I was just asking Him to hold onto things until I was rested and ready to handle it myself? We’ve come full circle and back on the same topic. But that is because this topic is pivotal to our relationship with God. Without this kind of all consuming trust in HIM…we will continue to lean on ourself and not on Him.

God desires everyone to come to their moment in time when HE becomes more than just a story, more than words on a page…when He becomes your everything. Usually this moment is reached after seeking to direct our own paths and having them not work out as we had planned. We thought we had it all figured out. We chose our path and we could see all the way to the end. Problem was, we were seeing an end that we controlled in our own minds. God has a path that we cannot see beyond today, but when we learn to walk in His steps one day at a time…we reach the end reflecting the glory of our Creator…and not our flaws and scars.

Take time to acknowledge God today. If you were speaking in front of a crowd and you spotted Him amongst the crowd, what acknowledgement would you offer Him today?

God Bless and Keep You,

1 comment:

  1. Tami, this is beautifully inspiring! You have such a gift - thank you for sharing it so freely and in so many ways. God Bless and keep you. Love Jessica Lackey
