John 21:7
Then the disciple Jesus loved said to Peter, 'It's the Master!'
This is John's response in a story that takes place after Christ has risen from the dead but before ascending to heaven and the disciples have been fishing all night. As dawn comes, someone from the shore asks if they have caught any fish. They do not recognize who it is and respond that they have caught nothing. He tells them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat; the right side. They do and their nets are filled to overflowing. ~Then the disciple Jesus loved said to Peter, 'It's the Master!'
I was struck by his immediate response to give God the glory for the success. I had to ask myself if that is my natural first response to all success in my life. I know that all glory goes to God and it is the intention of my heart to always give Him the glory at all times. But if I am honest with myself, I can't say that everytime a good thing happens the first words in my head or out of my mouth are 'it's God'!
If I have been praying for a specific thing, or asking for a specific result that I know I am completely unable to do in my own strength...I'm very quick to recognize the answered prayer and give God the glory when it happens. But in situations like that, I am expecting God to show up and looking for it to happen, ready to give Him the glory when it does. I'm ready for it and looking for it.
But this verse struck me because they weren't looking for it. They didn't recognize Jesus when He spoke to them, and they didn't pray for God to show them a new place to fish so they could have success. They were tired and I can only imagine a little defeated by the night's pointless labor. Some stranger tells them to try the other side. What made them do it without question is another topic for another time, but when they did and had success they immediately recognized it as the work of Jesus.
Oh how I want to have that kind of God glorifying reflex. God knows my heart is there, but I long to be the kind of Christian who's flesh has that automatic response to every good thing in my life; responding without a second thought with thanks and glory to God.
Maybe you are there already and I thank God for your reflection of His work in your life. But I'm a work in progress thankful that God is the patient creator and perfector of my soul!
What do you think?
If you need to be encouraged to exercise those God glorifying reflexes, CLICK HERE for a printable soul food recipe card to carry with you for daily encouragement.