The Israelites kept finding themselves in need of water and food. Their repeated response was to complain to Moses and compare current circumstances to what they left behind. They would forget the bad part of Egypt and remember only how their physical needs were provided for.
Now God could have provided food and water in abundance for the Israelites as they made their long journey to the promised land, never allowing them to experience thirst or hunger. But He didn't.
And if there is one thing we know ~ God does all things for a reason!
So I pondered this and considered the reasons God would make the Israelites have to seek Him instead of providing for every need in abundance.
1. Because they had to ask for what they needed, they could see it was God that provided it. If it was jus there without asking, it would be taken for granted and God would not be glorified.
I'm reminded that I too am told to seek and ask so that God can provide. Not because God doesn't know what I need, but because God wants me to see Him in all areas of my life.
2. God's way provided for a testimonty (Deuteronomy 5:35). This story of Moses is still told today. It is a testimony of who God is and how He works. These stories are foundational in our christian education.
I am reminded that God has long term vision and we can't get caught up in short term satisfaction! God's way may seem like the hard way at the moment, but it is His testimony that our life will tell in the long run. A testimony that influence the lives of generations to come.
3. God used this time to test and humble the Israelites (Deuteronomy 8:2) If the Israelites were not tested, they would grow proud and lose sight of their need to seek God for all things.
I am reminded that God desires my submission to His will. When I am being tested, it is to keep me humble and always mindful of His authority over me. A prideful heart does not see a need for God. A humble heart gives all glory and Honor to God.
Lord God, I lift my hands and testify that You are the author of my life. You are my healer and my provider. I kneel before You Lord and submit my will to You, seeking only to obey so that You will receive the glory. There is nothing I need that You do not provide. I praise You Lord for all that You have done. I praise You Lord for all that You will do. I praise You Lord for a sacrifice that brought me to full fellowship with You. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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