"Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."
This is not the first time I have reflected on how sometimes the right response is to just be still. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 46:10 where God tell us to cease striving or be still and just know that He is God!
Being still could be seen as a passive response to a situation. I'm reminded of my teenage boys who have been known on occassion to sit quietly in a room, ignoring the fact that there was work to be done around them. That kind of 'being still' is just laziness and not what God is telling His people in this verse. This is not God telling His people to twiddle their thumbs while He does all the work.
This is emphasized by the first part of the scripture where it says "stand firm".
"Stand firm and you will see!"
When I paused on this verse I was struck by the image of one that stands firm in the word of God, not moving from the convictions of his faith.
I am reminded to be grounded in my faith. To know what God's word says and to stand firm in that word.
I must come to His table daily and be fed with scripture so that I can stand firm in my beliefs. Otherwise I will be blown here and there by people's opinions or conflicting information thrust upon me by others.
Stand firm. Be still.
Not a passive act at all, but a strong act of faith and trust in God.
Lord, You are my firm foundation. In You I can stand firm. Away from you I falter. In You I can be still. Away from You I am constantly moving and seeking that which I can only find in You. Forgive me Lord for the times I have wondered from what I know to be true. Thank You Lord, for never changing so that I can stand firm in You. Even to the cross You remained steady and true to Your word. You fought for me even to the cross. I stand firm in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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