His pleasure is not found in the strength of horses, nor His delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.
When our children are young, they want you to see what they can do. "Look at me mom" they cry out, showing off their new found skill or ability. As toddlers, they learn the phrase "I do it myself" to show us they don't need our help and they are strong and able on their own.
I thought about these phrases as I was committing this word to memory.
Look at me...I can do it myself!
God is saying, I don't care. In fact, He is saying more than that. He is declaring here that He isn't asking us to do it ourselves or to be proud of our abilities.
God is asking us to remember that all He asks is for us to humbly submit to His will and walk in His strength.
I found the most compelling call to action was to 'delight' the Lord. Oh, to know that God finds delight in me! Here are just a few definitions of this word "delight":
- please: give pleasure to or be pleasing to.
- a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction.
- joy: something or someone that provides a source of happiness;
This verse tells me that it is not by the things I do for Him in my own strength, but in my complete submission to Him that He is delighted.
- When I come to Him weary from striving and seek His strength, He is delighted.
- When I let go of my own dreams and plans and seek His will, He is delighted.
- When I surrender control over my life and my circumstances and submit it all to Him, He is delighted.
I delight Him.
When I bow down in worship, fearing a life without Him....
I delight Him.
Lord God, to You I bow my knee. To You I surrender. You are my strength. Without you I am powerless. I may be able to acheive some symblance of greatness in the eyes of the world, but if I do not delight You, I have failed. Forgive me Lord for the times that I have performed for You, asking You to be delighted in the things I have done for You, even though I did not seek to know Your will first. I kneel before You Lord; worshipping You with awe and wonder. Oh Lord, if Your love is so great that it would go to the cross for me, how could I ever question that Your love would ever fail me. It is for this reason that all of my hope is in You and You alone. I do not put my hope in the things of this world, but in Your unfailing love. I trust You Lord. I know Your love for me is the only future I need. It is in the name of Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice proved Your unfailing love, that I pray. Amen.
Next memory verse: Psalm 143:8 NIV
Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way that I should go, for to You I lift up my soul.
I'd love to hear from you, so don't be shy. Leave a thought or a word in the comments below!

This is a great word and actually went along with my study I had in Isaiah today which talked about fearing the Lord and knowing what it means to fear Him. The Lords power is so perfect and astounding to me even though I know He is always a le. I will share a small story that happened the other night that just reminded me that He is there, even in the smallest of things. Because of the cold, Justin's truck stopped running, just as he was about to park at the apartments. I could see the frustration rising in his eyes as he tried over and over again to get it going. I closed my eyes, and found my faith in God's promising power. I heard the truck begin to catch but lost focus on my faith in God finding my self hoping in the truck just as I did it failed to start. Again, I closed my eyes, this
ReplyDeletetime keeping the faith and only seeing the Lord by tuning out the world. It was like the truck was riding with my faith as the engine revved up. To some that moment may have seemed petty and forgettable but for me, it was a feeling I will never forget...and one to share! Fearing The Lord is trusting in His power
P.s. I love the layout!
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time to your blog. I honestly do not know why a web search in google bounced me to it, but I am so glad it did. The reading of this blog was perfectly timed with other items I was reading this morning - and a must-share with women in my Tuesday Bible study. Don't be surprised if you see hits from other women!
ReplyDeleteTami...you don't know what a blessing this was to me today....I had a sleepless night...things going on with my family. My son who just got out of the Marine Corps and his little family including a 7month old baby boy (I"M A GRANDMOTHER!!!) are living with us and you can cut the tension at our house with a knife...I didn't even want to go home yesterday and I spent all last night trying to figure it out on my own...DUH...How long have I been a Christian...how long have I known in my heart all that you shared....Why do I struggle so hard to do it myself? Well, this mroning I prayed your prayer and I've surrendered! I'm in tears...and I am praying that I find a way to share that with my daughter-in-law that's trying to fight the battle of not having her own home, living with us, adjusting to a move once again, etc. by herself. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteCarol Harry