
Feeding the soul is very similar to feeding our physical hunger.

Our soul is hungry all the time, but many times we feed that hunger with junk and snacks instead of a well balanced and consistent diet of God’s word. Some of the junk we feed our soul has no resemblance to spiritual food (just like cheese puffs have no resemblance to real food…they taste great but have no redeeming value!).

This blog is a place to share healthy recipes gleened from scripture, explore the difference between healthy food and junk food that we feed our soul and learn together how to grow a strong and healthy relationship with God. My prayer is that we will develop a craving for this food that cannot be quenched by anything but time with Him.

James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

About Tami:

I am wife, mother of 4 (3 boys/1 girl), entrepreneur, speaker, author, singer and lover of Christ.

I submitted my life to Christ over 30 years ago as a young teenager. For years after that I had a 'handshake' relationship with my Savior, but God took me on a journey to show me He offered so much more. As this relationship grew to one more intimate and committed, I began writing devotional thoughts from scriptures that God was using to feed my soul, making me strong in His word and in my walk.

It brings me great joy to be able to join others at the table and feast together on the word of God.  For this reason I have prepared a variety of presentations that are perfect for a group setting.  From a one hour event to a weekend retreat and everything in between,  I would love to come join you at His table. 

God Bless and Keep You,
Copyright© 2012 Feeding a Hungry Soul


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Posts may be printed for personal or group use, but selling them is not permitted.  If you would like to include a post in a publication (magazine, e-zine, or book), please contact me directly at info (at) tamivanhoy (dot) com.